ただ,help_files_with_topicクラスの実体は関数のヘルプの位置を示したパスの文字列でしかなく,しかもRのヘルプは動的に生成されるので,パスの位置にファイルはない。そこで,help_files_with_topicクラスに対するprintメソッドを見てみたところ(getS3method("print", "help_files_with_topic")でみることができる),詳細がわかった。
> fun <- "lm" > file <- as.character(help(fun, help_type="text")) > path <- dirname(file) > dirpath <- dirname(path) > pkgname <- basename(dirpath) > RdDB <- file.path(path, pkgname) > file [1] "C:/PROGRA~2/R/R-210~1.1/library/stats/help/lm" > path [1] "C:/PROGRA~2/R/R-210~1.1/library/stats/help" > pkgname [1] "stats" > RdDB [1] "C:/PROGRA~2/R/R-210~1.1/library/stats/help/stats" > temp <- tools::Rd2txt(tools:::fetchRdDB(RdDB, basename(file)), out = tempfile("Rtxt"), package = pkgname) > h <- readLines(temp)
library(XML) arghelp <- function(x, argname=NULL) { file <- as.character(help(x, help_type="text", try.all.packages=TRUE)) path <- dirname(file) dirpath <- dirname(path) pkgname <- basename(dirpath) RdDB <- file.path(path, pkgname) if (file.exists(paste(RdDB, "rdx", sep = "."))) { temp <- tools::Rd2HTML(tools:::fetchRdDB(RdDB, basename(file)), out = tempfile("Rtxt"), package = pkgname, outputEncoding=localeToCharset()[1], no_links=TRUE) temp2 <- readLines(temp) temp2 <- gsub("(‘)|(’)|(–)","", temp2) html <- htmlTreeParse(temp2, useInternalNodes=TRUE, error=xmlErrorCumulator(immediate=FALSE)) file.remove(temp) argblock <- getNodeSet(html, "//table[@summary='R argblock']//td") argblock <- sapply(argblock, xmlValue) ind <- seq_len(length(argblock) / 2) * 2 arg.value <- gsub("\n", "", argblock[ind]) names(arg.value) <- argblock[ind - 1] if(is.null(argname)) argname <- names(arg.value) argname <- argname[!is.na(argname)] charmax <- max(nchar(argname)) + 1 for( i in seq_along(argname)){ cat(argname[i], paste(rep(" ", charmax - nchar(argname[i])), collapse="")) arg.tmp <- strsplit(arg.value[argname][i], " ")[[1]] len <- nchar(arg.tmp) arg.vec <- character() k <- 0 l <- 1 for(j in seq_along(arg.tmp)){ k <- k + len[j] if (k > 60){ arg.vec <- c(arg.vec, paste(arg.tmp[l:(j)], collapse=" ")) k <- 0 l <- j + 1 } } arg.vec <- c(arg.vec, paste(arg.tmp[l:length(arg.tmp)], collapse=" ")) cat(arg.vec[1], fill=TRUE) cat(paste(paste(rep(" ", charmax), collapse=""), arg.vec[-1], collapse="\n"), fill=TRUE) cat("\n") } return(invisible(arg.value[argname])) } else { return(NULL) } }
getNodeSet(html, "//table[@summary='R argblock']//td")というのがその部分にあたる。xpathについてはwikipedia等で。getNodeSetやxpathApplyを使うためには,HTMLをInternal形式(C-Level)で読み込む必要がある。これはxpathでのアクセスにlibxmlを使っているからだそうです。htmlTreeParse(x, useInternalNodes=TRUE)とかhtmlParse(x)とかしてやるとInternal形式で読み込める。
> arghelp("cor") x a numeric vector, matrix or data frame. y NULL (default) or a vector, matrix or data frame withcompatible dimensions to x. The default is equivalent toy = x (but more efficient). na.rm logical. Should missing values be removed? use an optional character string giving amethod for computing covariances in the presenceof missing values. This must be (an abbreviation of) one of the strings"everything", "all.obs", "complete.obs","na.or.complete", or "pairwise.complete.obs". method a character string indicating which correlationcoefficient (or covariance) is to be computed. One of"pearson" (default), "kendall", or "spearman",can be abbreviated. V symmetric numeric matrix, usually positive definite such as acovariance matrix. > arghelp("cor", "use") use an optional character string giving amethod for computing covariances in the presenceof missing values. This must be (an abbreviation of) one of the strings"everything", "all.obs", "complete.obs","na.or.complete", or "pairwise.complete.obs". > arghelp("cor", c("use", "method")) use an optional character string giving amethod for computing covariances in the presenceof missing values. This must be (an abbreviation of) one of the strings"everything", "all.obs", "complete.obs","na.or.complete", or "pairwise.complete.obs". method a character string indicating which correlationcoefficient (or covariance) is to be computed. One of"pearson" (default), "kendall", or "spearman",can be abbreviated.